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杨年俊教授学术报告信息(5月12日(周五)上午11:00, 化南326会议室)

发布时间 :2023-05-10 11:05  来源:

报告题目:Diamond Electrochemistry




报告人简介:比利时哈瑟尔特(Hasselt)大学化学系及材料研究所(IMO-IMOMEC)电化学及催化方向教授。在日本国立福井大学获得工学博士;曾在美国新墨西哥州立大学、日本国立产业技术综合研究所(AIST)从事博士后研究;曾在德国弗莱恩霍夫固态物理研究所(Fraunhofer IAF)、德国锡根大学任研究员并担任课题组组长等职务;在德国锡根大学完成Habilitation,获得材料科学及表面工程方向的教授资格。主要从事功能材料的设计、合成、表征及电化学应用;其特色方向是不同碳(尤其是金刚石)材料的设计、化学气相合成、及其在电化学能源转化/电化学能源存储/电化学传感等方面基础与应用研究。(曾)担任Accounts of Chemical Research、Accounts of Materials Research、Small、 Carbon等杂志的客座主编、是Scientific Reports、Materials Lab等杂志的编辑、是Carbon、Diamond and Related Materials、Nano Research Energy等杂志编辑委员会成员;(曾)在欧洲材料化学会(European Materials Research Society, E-MRS)年会组织多次分会,是多个国际会议的委员会成员;持有国际专利多项,出版专著多部,发表论文多篇。

报告简介:Diamond electrodes possess unique features in comparison with standard metal and carbon electrodes, such as long-term chemical inertness, wide potential windows, low and stable background currents, high microstructural stability at different potentials and in different media, varied activity toward different electroactive species, reliable electrochemical response of redox systems without conventional pre-treatment, high resistance to surface fouling in most cases, and possibility of forming composites with different components such as other carbon materials, carbides and oxidizes.

This presentation summarizes the progress and achievements that were obtained since 2006. The strategies to design different diamond electrodes, including diamond films, diamond composites as well as their nanostructures will be introduced in the first part of this presentation. The modulation of surface termination(s) of diamond films at an atomic scale as well as the attachment of functional modifier(s) onto their surface at a molecular scale will be given as examples. The introduction of additional component(s) such as SiC into a diamond film to form diamond composites will be shown, where ahydrogen-induced selective growth modeltoelucidatethe preparation of diamond/β-SiC composites will be detailed. Subsequently, the production of various diamond nanostructures from diamond films and composites shown. Electrochemical application examples of our diamond electrodes will be overviewed, covering direct electrochemistry of natural Cytochrome c on a hydroxylated diamond surface, sensitive electrochemical DNA biosensing on tip-functionalized diamond nanowires, the construction of high-performance diamond supercapacitors using redox electrolytes. Future perspectives of diamond electrochemistry will be further discussed and outlined at the end of this presentation.

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